December 6, 2008


So I watch this girl, Rachel and her blog, and she recently shared poetry of hers, I decided I would share my favorite of what I've written, it was like, a year + ago, but yeah. We were alowd to write what ever we wanted...... 
I Hate You
 do not like you
in fact,
i think i hate you
i find you so stupid
it is almost as if you don't know anything
what you wear is stupid
the way you talk is, like, so, totally, stupid
your criticism is obnoxious
your attitude makes me sick
your tring to be someone other then yourself
your a riddiculus farse
if i could, i would just kick you in the arse
i've found my tongue as sharp as a razor, ready to insult you idiots
yet, maybe i shouldn't
our heads have butted so many times
but maybe i am partially at fault
a hypocrite who hates hypocrites?
no, it's not my fault
it is your fault
i hate you.

December 5, 2008

Stories and Sleep

EVERYONE CAN READ MY STORY! They just have to comment me with their email or email me at (yes, capitalized, like mah youtube) And will make them reader of the new blog I'm putting it on :D
I havent slept in 8 days. Hopeing tonight will be different.

BORED! (writing another story while my editor monkeys edit.. Muahaha!)

December 3, 2008

i finished! Woo

Sorry i havn't blogged, I've been busy, so here's a few days worth (and a chance to read my story??????)

Closest thing to A victory vid I can make, and it's day SEVEN without sleep, other than dozing in Geometry and english.

Band Concert, I kicked ass with my bassoon(that's funny squared because the part where 2 tubes connect is called the boot.

I'm writing another story thanks to this 2nd person thing I wrote a while ago, you'll get a link to that insipration once I find it and type it up

NOVEL STUFF!!!!( copyed and tweeked from dA)

Yesh I am actually going to print it out and give copies to people..... Now they will have to return it in a few weeks... with there honest and brutal editing all over the thing. Spelling shouldn't be to horrible, but I turned off grammercheck and added 'Vampitastic' so yeah... Its 98 pages, font size 13 so I don't know how many copies I will get printed.

If you want to read my novel and know me IRL:
--Comment this journal
--I will then hand it to you during school in a folder or essay covery thing
--You will read it and edit, I have totally bumped up the margines and spacing, so WRITE ALL OVER IT! lolz. I suggest
-----Putting in where you want chapters put.. Yup, I have like 2-3 exta line breaks if I think I want a chapter, but you can put them ANYWHERE YOU WANT :d
-----Colored Pens/Pencils
-----Sticky notes
--I want this Back. When, you ask? Take your time reading and editing, I want your honest opinion. But If I'm hoping to finish editing by May, I'm gonna need these back in a few weeks, I'm hoping before break so I can haul ass and edit like a feind. (Sp?)
--Give me Title Suggestions!
-And don't bother counting words. The first and only edit I've done since writing is cutting out a few thousand words at the end, so it's Not 50k anymore.

IF YOU DON"T LIVE NEAR ME but are my FRIEND(I don't have a list of friends, the one in my past journals is just to incomplete)
You're gonna have to email me if You really wanna read it, Teenager who's Vegetarian, who turns vampiric... Yeah, I'm serious.
but Yeah if you email me at (I lost my old Email and all the emails I saved T_T) and we can work something out.So yeah, I know who wants one, But they can comment anyway Muahahaha!Since it's almost a hundred pages each, i warn you it may take a few days to get them printed. I can mail it to you, but you'd have to promise to mail it back, and stuff.

Yeah, it's it. :D THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE SUPPORT! Especially Rachel's Nov. 30 Blogblogblog. It made me Smilesmilesmile. Thanksthanksthanks! lolz


November 30, 2008

42,500 words down, 7,500 to go!

I just totally finished the fight (unlike breaking dawn the most anti-climactic book ever) and it was a total blood bath -lolzz- I find it funny that this vegghead writes the most gruesom scenes ever. So I just killed my Main character's parents and the rest will be pretty breaking dawn-ish. You know, big build up but then lame 'violence free' fight.
