Oh my, the blog of a writing, drawing, musical, nerdy teenage girl. Did we Mention she's an avid people Watcher, erm, well, reader? She's got to find inspiration somewhere...
Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling
Progress: Still cleaning, ugh, Wrote down more novel Ideas, Salad FTW
Professional Assesment: There Definatly is much hope
I slept... a lot, after I went to bed, um, late *cough6amcough* yeah, then I got up, I dunno when, 4 ish? Fed pets, cleaned the kitchen and got started on my history project, which I have been working on for hours, stoping only to eat, urinate and take plenty of Dance breaks... Oh and getting distracted on YouTube a few times... Damn. Oh well.
My first Vid for the Collab on Monday. Yay! Oh, I got guitar picks yesterday, meaning I no longer have to play with a quarter (you're not supposed to.. i was never told). And they are really nice. <4
And I'm planning on drawing later, instead of one of my dance breaks.
I tink that's it.
Lauren, I'll see you tomorrow.. oh wait, this isn't a video. Sorry, i'm youtube obsessed and forgot.
Oh Oh Oh! I forgot! It's the first time since November we could see stars! So I grabed my star chart and went outside, laid down a towel and watched the stars for a while. Gosh it was awesome.
And I got a letter from my British Pen pal, Elsie! Yay, it's just great! I had totally given up hope of hearing from her, sending my letter on the 9th of december. She wrote hers on the 15th, but I wonder when she sent it... jk. I'm just so flipping happy! 2009 For The Epicly Epic Awesomely Awesome Win!
Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling
Progress: Used 'ILY' twice on AIM, didn't think (more than) one negative thing about anyone, cleaned part of dwelling
Professional Assesment: There Definatly is much hope
So yeah, I've been cleaning my room, and talkin' to Mr.T, Em and Alex all day, except when I went to the grandparents for dinner. Vegetarian Rice for meeee :D I think that may be it? Blah.
I got PICKS!! So I have more than the pick of doom, and I need to film my resolution video and my monday video, Tonight or Tomorrow. I know who Imma tag too! Yeah, short, sorry. Tomorrow, I promise a longer one.
Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling
Progress: Multiple times, patient smiled and had friendly conversations on AIM & through email. She spoke kindly to her parental(after waking up)
Professional Assesment: There Definatly is hope.
Hola, amigas! (well, and amigos, if you're there.) Welcome to January First, 2009! I be your happy Host, Sarah the magnificent, who, yes, has ADDED more resolutions since this morning. It is almost Midnight! Whoopie! Almost Friday. Lemme give you a run down of today;
1.Slept 7am to 1pm
2.Got up and cleaned some of the dwelling (my room)
3.Played guitar and wrote what, when polished, will be a new original song
--Through out day; I twittered, IM'ed Members of The Artsy Fartsy Brigade, which has 20 Subscribers, and watched You Tube Videos.
I really feel wonderful, which is strange for me, so I'm just gonna go with it. I'm gonna make a youtube video, and if I get the song better, i may record that so YOU GUYS can see it (a a few friends). The problem is I need brutal opinions, and friends don't seem to do that well.
Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will)
Progress: Willingly, outloud said, and I quote "I Love People," after a Twitter, and then again looking at friendly comments
Professional Assesment: There may still be hope.
Yeah, everyday, you're gonna get that at the begining of my posts. Why? Because I can :D
So what did I do for new years eve? I spent the moments up to New Years Talking to A friend about lady soveriegn, leading up to This Fan Site we are working on.
I've also made some friends, and joined a collab channel on Youtube, The Artsy Fartsy Brigade,I added the brigade part, so yay, you can look for me on mondays. I also made the logo and a pic of everyone (which I dont like).
And I've decided to go 'SCREW YOU, 2008, I'm GONNA HAVE A KICK ASS 2009!'
Yeah and now my blos all outta wack -__- Screw this, Imma go draw (lolz)
I can't seem to stick myself to my Vampire Novel, cause I'm to busy thinking of different Ideas, that I really like and want to follow, but I was hoping to finish my final draft before the end of 2009. I must be mental.. I dunno, but it's a good thing I write everything down.
Our interweb is bein screwy, just like our cable x_x it's a pain.
Yesterday, I went to FYE and got 4 CD's- Muse, 30h3!, Fall Out Boy and Aly & Aj. Then I went to Barns & Noble, and got a bunch of books, including Abundance of Kathrines and 101 Rules for Writing. :D
It's been so nice and not cold, but now there's a foot of snow on the ground. I quit.
I'm off to be negative, so I can *try* to be positive
I watched many of the movies we got for Christmas (but there are still tons more). I also read like, 7 pages of my first novel. I'm a procrastinator, I cant help it. :( I need to read it all so I can start draft two tho (and work on a better epilouge, because Rachel hates those like I wrote, and I quite agree with her.) And I started another one.... just the begining, like the prolouge, soon as it's done I'm closing it. The best I can. So I dont get caught up in it.
I've been playin El Guitaro, I can play 'Cry' by the Veronicas, and Iknow all the chord for 'Walkin on Sunshine' as Aly & Aj Covered it. Woo, 2 songs in less than 2 months. I feel special, and I can sorta play most of the chorus of '4ever' and I'm workin on the verses. Not even gonna try to sing it.
So that's it, I guess. 90 views on my Rathbone drawing on YT. That's more than half then i have on my drawin of kristen stewart that's been up for like 2 or 3 months :D Yay.
1.What I did Today (I don't care if it's 1:30 AM, it's still Saturday)
3.Translating German
5.Jackson Rathbone aka Jasper Hale
6.Novel infoooo
Part One
So Today was kinda boring. I cropped the drawing I did yesterday, Napped, Cleaned the
kitchen and livingroom. I talked to Bethany.. And then at like 10:30 P
M, Padre and I watched Chronicals of Narnia; Lion The Witch & The Wordrobe. Gosh, is it
sad my father and I have tons of inside jokes? I hope not.
A majorit
y of my day was also spent (sorry) yelling and cursing at Windows Movie Maker, because it took atleast Half a Dozen hours for my latest video alone, just saving. But that's okay, I guess.
Part Dos
Deviantart Annoys me. I will 'x' out something I have no intrest in seeing, like fanfiction by some
one i'm watching, whose never posted that before, but is so enthralled by something I've never heard of, that they just had to write it. But Devian
tart likes to not save and make me deal with it again.
Part Drei
So you may not know this, but I really like the German language. The CD you see to the left is 1 of 3 german CD's I own, and is one
of two by Killerpilze (in english Killer mushrooms) For a youtube video I'm planning [yes, Imma youtube addict,
sue me] I am translating the
one song, Liebmichhassmich, meaning love me hate me. If you look toward the right *Hopefully* you will see what I have so far. You may not be able to read it, it's only the first two lines of German in Black pen, with literal english translations below. When I go all video, It wont go 'I know not what love is' I will just put I don't know what love is. Stuff like that. I doubt I will get much more of it done. I'm to much of a procrastinator. I'd like to finish with the whole song, it's not real long, but at my rate, I wont' be done translating before 2010 starts. xD If any of you speak German and would be willing to proof read, that'd be awesome. My school teaches not German, so I have to do it all mahself. :(
Part Four
I think I may be addicted to youtube, ask Gustav, the new video camera. (yeah, that's him to the left) That's okay, right? I mean, if it helps me as an artist, and is good motivation, That's alright, right? I dunno.
If you want to subscribe to me, mine is http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDoofusMaximus and I'm told that other than my art videos, I'm mildly entertaining. And the new camera means even better ones, like my speed drawing of Jackson Rathbone, which you will see in my Fifth part of this blog. [look down]
Part funf
So if you read my last blog (rachel) you may have read I drew Jackson Rathbone and possibly squeeled (rachel) but I won't name anyone *coughrachelcough* I don't like it. In fact, I want to name it the most epicly epic fail on paper... But I wont. The video is below, and in hours it's gotten more views then my latest vlog has in two days. lolz.
*Note the ruler of doom. It's why I don't like drawing from life... People dont like you taking a ruler to their face... Hey! That's going in the next youtube vid. :D
Part Six
Yeah, the Band Geek Novel = On hold. I'm in a Vampire state of mind. I have many pages full in my first mini notebook already. But i'm comming up with awesome ideas for more novels, so those are in their too. I'm actually carrying around 2 notebooks; One for novels, one for just everyday things, funny life things, you never know when they would fit good in a novel.