January 10, 2009

2009: Day 10

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades; Weekly updated webcomic
Progress: I'VE PLANNED A BETTER ENDING FOR THE VAMPIRE NOVEL!! (don't worry rachel xD), Room is semi-cleaner, we found the missing book, 2 Pages into book 1 of 52
Professional Assesment: I feelz awesome, btw

So, I've decided I win. Just cause. It's my blog, I can say that and you can do nothing to stop me. Muahahah.
So i was randomly browsing online at cafepress.com and I found this, it's neat with a nice tie die journal I'd like <4>
I Lost watson today, and then I founded him, yay!
Oh and the Vampire novel I'm just planning my prolouge and epilough and I'll write those and then start draft two. Yeah.
So I think that's it for now..... So yeah, Oh I can almost play 'Untitled' by simple plan. Yeah, that's is.

1:23 Am

I've been lookin at lolcatz. the first 15 pages. The best

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

Other Funny ones

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals
funny pictures of cats with captions
more animalsfunny pictures of cats with captions
more animals
funny pictures of cats with captions

more animals
funny pictures of cats with captions
more animal

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals
funny pictures of cats with captions
more anima

January 9, 2009

2009: Day 8 & 9

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades; Weekly updated webcomic
Progress: So I've been drawing for the web comic that may actually happen, I've actually 'Semi-Flirted' which is better then the glares I thow at boys, I've been cleaning for about an hour, Watson is filling up nicely
Professional Assesment: I fear upcomming stand still

My goodness, I felt so terrible today and yesterday, uck. I blame that history project I did, which sucked Balls. (Pardon my french, or Italian, it was on Italy.)
So I'm cleaning my room right now which isn't fun, but I have to, because I lost a library book, which I need. So it's like forcing a resolution on me :D
So I've been filling Watson, my Teeny notebook, which is good. Lot's of Ideas for 2 new novels, one which I've started, one I need research for. I've decided to go ahead and start draft 2 of My vampire novel. I'm writing it all out in 3 subject notebooks. Then I'm going to do extra editing and changing as I type it, so that would be draft 2.5 (o.0). At that point I will print it and bring it in to my english teacher. (I'm hopeing to start recycling the first drafts into new paper soon, so by then it will be on recycled paper :D) I have lots of changing to do, but I'm so ready for it. The Tree will become much more important, it's only mentioned afew times throughout the first draft, but it will mean much more :)
FAWM is in February, February Album Writing Month (I think) You write 14 songs in a month (one will be about S.A.D. [Singles appreciation day] I promise) so I'm working on my Guitar skillz for that, it will be awesome. And I'm thinkinkg I'll record one every other day (2 days a song, right?... yeah) And it will be awesome (I hope).
I use the word 'Dude' a lot, like I dont know, I just do. I'm weird, deal, yo. But I'm just weird. I can only see like one square foot of my floor, so I must go, but first, I wanna tell you about my first 'Real; youtube hater. First I had one tell me my drawing was ugly, didn't look like jackson rathbone, but that wasnt bad. My first 'Real' hater is sarao0 who commented 'you suck. my penis can draw better than that....lol'. It's not suprising, all sara's without 'H' are crazy (to some extent). She'll get a shout out in my next video -yay- 
So that'd be it, Rachel, I'm glad you like Bio so much, I had tons of fun in it last year. I had the best Sarcastic teacher ever.


January 8, 2009

2009: Day 7

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades; Weekly updated webcomic
Progress: So I wrote another hundred or so words... pathetic yes, but it's progress. And I did the '1st' of many web comics to come. 'Sarcasim Chasm' is it's name. I will link it when it's up.
Professional Assesment: I happen to be doing very well

My history essay is not done. Working, I'm sore, I need to do the Project part and I still need to find rubber bands -_- Shoot me now.

January 6, 2009

2009: Day 6

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades
Progress: So I could not sleep this morning, so I started another novel. (No you won't be seeing it every chapter, doing it like that messes me up, so I'm thinkin a few chapters at a time) so 2k words down, 98k to go xD, School I was Happy and Gave HUGS!
Professional Assesment: I happen to be doing well

My history essay is a bitch, because Italy was a slut during WW1 and was on both sides at one point or another... don't ask, it's safer. I'm so tired right now, I swam at noonish for gym and then after school to make up a class. My legs feel absoloutly jello-esque. That's not good, as a Veggie I don't do Jello xD.
School was boring at worse, awesome at best. Band kicks ass, we're playin this British style Nile March and A medly of Video Game Themes, and I've got's Melody!!! The bassonist never gets awesome parts like that (well they do, just not on the peices I always play). So, yay!
I've been drawin' up a storm and I will be later tonight. I've drawn every day, so, Yay meeee! I dunno what else to say...
Oh, Watson says hello, he's my little notebook. I seriously need mental help, naming things and such, but that's okay.
My new novel came from a few Idead I had a while back, and now that I'm actually going to use them, I feel happy. Yay. Oh and I've been researching Crippling diseases of the legs, so if you know any that could cause one to lose some to all their mobility and use of legs and are also fatal, let me know. (It's for another Novel)
I'd say that's all for today... Oooh, I want a veggie burger. 
Oh, how does everyone like the way I 'format' my blogs now? You dont? Oh, I don't care, I just wondered xD


January 5, 2009

2009: Day 5

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades
Progress: School was okay, drawin' up a storm, Yay
Professional Assesment: There better be hope

So I forgot to blog.. -_- I posted a Youtube Vid for the Artsy Fartsy Briagde tho... yeah.

January 4, 2009

2009: Day 4

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades
Progress: Still cleaning, but not much; I started writing another song, I'll turn it into a youtube video about how there's nothing wrong with pencil (dont ask... yet), and I played my song 'Nostalgic Fool' for my friend Em this morning
Professional Assesment: There better be hope

So I am just sitting here, freezing in wet hair, wondering, What am I gonna do for my Monday video. I'm gonna film it... well, after I get dressed and brush my hair. But let me tell you what I did today; History Essay. I thought it was due tomorrow, so I'm working as fast as I can. Then I check my Deviantart messages, and my friend goes 'It's a miracle you started before wednesday.' Now I stop and fall back a bit and message her back. She calls 'It's not due until Thursday.' At this point I hold back my tears, shut the laptop and pick up the guitar and start a song about how there is nothing wrong with pencil. Yeah, that's how fried my brain is.
So I'm losing my mind. Oh and apparently my biological clock is ticking... because I drew a baby. Yeah, no. Not that funny. The caffine is starting to wear offf, thank Goodness, but I've been guitaring so much, my fingers now hurt :'(
But I'm gonna go film now. Yay! I'm posting it tomorrow on the Collab Channel, The Artsy Fartsy Brigade, cause I'm monday. Yay!
