November 1, 2009


I am rubbish at posting here, but. NANOWRIMOSTARTED!!!!
I am pumped :D 2k words :D

That is all

October 15, 2009

I Wrote A Song!

And it's called Twilight is icky. Yeah, but tell me what you think


October 12, 2009


Everyone jokes about it, I do a lot. But I guess ADHD and Depression have some similar symptoms. That's a fun fact for ya.

Not much is new in my life. I gave up on the boy liking me, his loss. And I'm really busy. With school and drawing and procrastinating and writing. Ugh.


October 3, 2009

Boys Are Stupid

Because they are to pretty for their own good.
And don't like me because I'm repulsive and obnoxious.
And are to smart and funny and witty.

I blame the 'Y' Chromosomes.

September 29, 2009


I need to not be lazy... until then,

Imma go do stuff. I need to post a real blog soon. FAIL


September 27, 2009

I'm almost healed!

Which is good, I would like to be able to play woodwinds again, without having to dis-infect mouthpeices.

I dunno what else to say. I'm just pretty Blaaah. I haven't done much other then sleep and play guitar this weekend. I know, I be boring.


September 21, 2009


Today was Freekin' AMAZING! I've been in a GREAT mood all day, got my homework done on the late bus, drew a nifty pic during school and posted my AFB video and it's only 5 o'clock!!!
You Can View It:

Yayayayaya! I'm in such a great mood. Imma go draw naow :)


September 20, 2009

So this thing called 'illness'

Is a real bitch.
And I have Beautiful by Eminem stuck in my head. I would post it, but it curses and I dunno if that offeends people.
Hey, are you offended by cursing? Cause I curse like a sailor and have to censor these, to try and avoid offending anyone. I mean, as long as there is no malicious intent behind it, i could care less, you know.

Ohh, Nyquil


September 14, 2009

Happy Days are here Again :D

Like, seriously. School is going way to well, I'm afraid that my good-streak will end soon. So, let's ride it as long as I can :D
I'm in a higher math class, the person I don't want to see hasn't been to class. We got a sexy new Bari Player So i can play bassoon in concert band. YAY!
Oh, and you'll see how Voldy caused Global Warming soon. I promise.


September 10, 2009

1 Day down, 179 To go

Imma Junior. Today kicked ass. Except for person who brought a lot of pain to my life, they be back now. In two of my classes. And I can not focus with them around.
But, I will try to think of better things, like the friends in my classes, and writing and drawing. So yeah, Imma go try to get my mind of them



September 9, 2009

It's the Final Count Down!

Dedodedo. Dedodededoo. Dedodedo. dedodededo!

My summer is comming to a close! Tomorrow is my first day as a junior *Squeel!* I'm happy & sad at the same time. Happy because I will be spending less time by myself, Sad because my crush, who I am TRYING to get over *could* be in one of my classes. I'm hopeing he wont be.

Guess how much money I have. Two Dollars. That is not good. My band is going to Florida in decemember. I have no money for ze theme parks -_- If you want to commision me (Small fee & I draw you somethin') I'll draw you pretty much anything [within reason] for 2 or 3 dollars [plus shipping if you want the original, so maybe another dollar] Yeah. I'm desperate.

OHOHOH! Tag you're it, no tag backs


September 8, 2009

I like to write and draw.

But you knew that. But, did you know that in my last 2 days of freedom (today & tomorrow) that's all I'm doing. Yeah. Not only am I really Cranking on my 500 Theme Drawing Challenge, but I'm working on brainstorming for a Story Collaberation with an interweb buddy of mine.
The 500 theme drawing challenge is simple. You pick a topic (I picked Harry Potter) and then draw 500 drawings, all Harry potter based, each all on the different 500 themes. I've posted 13 finished ones, and have 16 more, all started or finished tht I Need to post. You can see the list

Also, me and mah friend Mo, we're gonna write together. It's all apocolyps-ey and fun. We're just about to start writing. Yay!

BUT IF YOU WANT TO WRITE WITH ME (like you write a chapter, then me, then you, then me) TOTALLY LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!! WOOT! -spazz-

I'm Offfffff :3

September 7, 2009

Hey Hey You You, I don't want school to start

But it does, on Thursday. I'm glad at the same time though, the only class I'm not sure I have friends in is math. So, it will be okay.
I finished my new blog, if you want to read it, you can Email me at and I will send you a link, or Comment with your Email. I just want them separate. I know I'm goofy, but It is good to be serious. For once.
I've been drawing up a storm today, it's good. I've finished 4 more of the 500 drawings I'm doing based on harry potter, and have 8 more in the works. Productivity feels good, but I don't know how long it will last.
Well, I'm off to RP and Post On Deviantart.


September 6, 2009

I get Grounded a Lot

And it's a pain in the, Pardon my French, Ass.
The only good thing about it is that I've been able to draw more. For example, I just finished 4 more drawings, of the 500 I'm doing. All, well, most, Harry Potter Themed.
So setting up my new 'serious' blog is taking much longer then expected. And school starts Thursday. Ugh.
So yeah, Next update will be longer, I promise. :3


September 3, 2009

Hey, I'm not dead!

Yeah, as you can tell, I am alive. I have been grounded. A lot. Due to grades and conflicting intrests between my father and I. A lot has gone on, and I dunno if you want to be filled in or not.
But, I'm about to start my Junior year of high school [next week] and am almost done with band camp. My summer has been okay. I was busy and then not and then busy again. Since March I've turned 16, been diagnosed as clinically depressed, Gotten an Oboe, Trombone and a set of bells, begun reading as much Shakespeare as I can get my hands on.
And I am still a vegetarian. Take that, I say, to all of the people who said I would last ten days, fifteen tops. It's been almost Two years. Haha.

So, I will *probably* start blogging here again, atleast twice a week (depending on mah schedual). But I'm also in the process of starting a new blog. It will be a serious one. It shall be much more focused on 'feelings' and 'writing'. No Youtube videos, or random spazzing. It will be well thought out feelings.
This Blog will stay fun, and Funky fresh. xD
If you'd want to be sent the blog URL (I'm making a new email & New account for it. I want it totally separate from everything else I have online) just Email me at or comment with your Email. I'm hoping to finish it in the next couple days.

Until then,

March 20, 2009

I'm gonna see Sweeney, Tommorow. Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow

will be awkward!
Yeah, I haven't seen annie in forever but suddenly it popped in my head.... BUT SWEENEY TOMORROW! I'm excited and anxious and worried. And mum & dad are BOTH dropping us off & picking us up. Which will be weird.
I've started writing a novel (again. I keep re-starting it. Calling it 'Stones & Sticks' or 'New Kind of F word' If you hear me mention those). And I have 2 new ideas I like. A lot.
NEW MAXIMUM RIDE BOOK!!!!! Title 'Max'!!!!! I got it, I read it, I loved it. All I can say, Fax. It is awesome. I <4 it.
I've been drawing, but really I feel down. It's like people will always be better than me, no matter what I do, which is why I got down in the first place. Ugh! And I really hate how the 'friends' who go "I suck, but I draw for fun" tell me I suck. They suck [your mom]. what?
I'm working on figuring out stuff for the Graphic Novel, cause I'm having issues. I'm thinkin' he's gonna be a Mute Superhero. What would you call a mute superhero? Yeah. I seriously want to know. Seriously.

I'm out!

March 17, 2009

Oh Noes! It's the 17th!

So, I'm polish, german and norwegian. Not Irish. But I wore green to avoid getting pinched. Green is my favorite color tho, so I don't mind. I'm SO EXCITED FOR SWEENEY!
And for script frenzy, I'm writing my musical about a band geek, and I've decided to write a 100 page graphic novel as well. I'm totally stealing boy's idea & not telling him. Muahaha!
I fixed the mailbox today. That was fun. And I cleaned the car. And made sloppy joes with mashed potatoes for the parents. Yay, raw meat -_- And then I made brownies for mum that I can't even eat. Joy. -_-
So yeah, I should be drawing and writing stuff. I think i've finally planed the prolouge for 'New Kind of "F" word' or 'Stones & Sticks' (I'm not sure yet for the novel title) but In my head I've been thinking about another novel idea. Which isn't good, because I need to focus on dance fighting bassoonists & blind superhero.
So I'm off.
Until we meet again. (well, we don't actually meet... so... yeah)

March 15, 2009

Happy Belated Pi Day!

I actually made Pie too, an apple & a pecan.. but I didn't have any of them, I'm cutting down on sugar. Yeah.
But We went to my grandparent's house and they don't know about boy, so when my grandmother brought up Sweeney, I did alll I could not to burst out laughing. She thinks I'm going with dad, lets keep it that way, I don't want to be told I'm to young to date. I've known boy since Kindergarden, and we were in band together for 5 years; I think it's okay.
So I'm stil writing songs, I've finished a few more guitar parts, yay! I want to wait to play the Obama one until I have more of an audience, and Writers Block wont be posted until script frenzy (but at this rate I wont be un-grounded by then either -_-) I like my song binder tho, for some reason I like flipping through it, even tho there are only a few finished songs in it (I put them in once I'm done; I re-copy them in pen W/ pencil for the chords) It makes me feel accomplished, even tho they probably aren't real good, but still. It makes meh happeh.
Oh, and I've been playing more covers. "Heavily Broken," "Cry" and "Good-bye To You" by the Veronicas, "Build Me Up, Buttercup" By the Temptations and "We Belong" by Pat Benatar. They make me happy too, which is good, for there is a chance I'm depressed (which would explain a lot xD)

So I'm off,

March 13, 2009

Gaaaah! I'm Going to see Sweeney!

I have tickets to see the theatre production of Sweeney Todd. And I get to go with boy. Yay!

I was going to go with padre, but it's a real long show, like 2 & 1/2 hours, and he cant sit that long.

I had a long blog post, and blogger logged me out. I'm going to cry now and then curse a lot and then cry some more. Bye bye.


March 12, 2009

I succum

To using grids.
In art I'm almost done with a Nifty drawing of Rupert Grint (and I used a Grid) and I admit, I like it. So, I'mma use grids from now on. I have taken the grid home (even tho he collected them. I also took that of the girl who dropped art.) And I've printed out a couple pictures of people I'm going to draw; one of the Veronicas & one of Sir Paul McCartney. I need more Ideas tho, of how to be awesome (of what to draw) And I have BIG paper to draw them on ^_^ I've got a HUGE list of people to draw too, plus ALL the potter Characters (the actors atleast) so, Yay!
I am SO ready for script frenzy. I'm writing a Musical about a Bassoonist. :D
And do you know what pisses me off? This girl in my spanish class. She sings and interupts the class constantly. I want to smack her. She called me dirty, I said she singing sounded like a dying cow. I then called her an idiot and tried to ignore her for the last 12 minutes of class. Grrr.
Imma go draw now,


March 9, 2009

I just wrote an 'Anti-Obama' aka NObama Song

And it is awesome. I'm thinking of recording a video & just posting it here, cause I'm sure I'd get to much hate for it on youtube.
So I'm now carrying around a notebook named 'Your Mom', no lie, I kid you not. If you don't know, I have a huge thing for 'Your Mom' and 'In Your Pants' jokes. But I've been going through Ace & Watson, 2 full notebooks, looking for song Ideas. But I promise you'll get to atleast Read my song titled 'NObama' soon, but I'd really prefer to sing it to you. [tis epic]
And in art we are drawing portraits, using grids to start, and I like it, so I'm considering getting a nice yard stick and over head projector sheets & markers & drawing more like that.
And the NObama song, is after he's decided to let you kill embryos. It's not like they are living things or anything -_- Gosh, I honestly wonder how one can think that they are 'just embryos' and 'just fetuses' [how ever you spell it] It drives me mad.
So, I'mma go work on being the next Art Garfunkel, cause I think that would be nifty.

The suprisingly happy Sarah,
is Outtie

March 8, 2009

I have puffy Checks

I refuse to go out of the house with my face in such an odd state, so it's not fun.
I made paper last night. I got this Bill Nye Paper Maker and it was very fun. I'm trying to figure out how to make the whitest, strongest paper, for when I recycle the 4 copies of NaNo Novel draft 1 (400 peices of paper, yikes! of course I've got to recycle) I'll be making my own screens & gettting shammies to dry the paper (I refuse to use paper towel like all the site suggest. That would be a waste) I will be printing draft 2(.5) on the recycled draft 1. Twill be awesome.
I wrote another song, and lost my only copy of Writer's Block. -_- And I'm not planning on posting the Ron Song, so it makes me sound insane. Just trust me on that one.
I can't wait for script frenzy, I'm going to write a musical about a bassoonist. :D
I think I will fill a notebook with songs & then record a video of All of them, and post one every day for a month. That would be fun.
I need to find Nicholas a new last name. Or just make him Nicholas, no last name. Yeah, he can pull a Cher. But Azra definatly get's a new name. Maybe Helene. Yeah, Helene.
So I'm going to go play through my music for 'Fiddler On the Roof' and 'Les Misrebales' and 'Sound of Music' and any other musical scores I can find. Then I will watch Fiddler on the Roof, West Side Story, Oklahoma, and all the other musicals I have. I will study them. Less than a month till April for Script Frenzy. :D


March 7, 2009

Blahh, it's March Something

And I am grounded, hence the not getting back into blogging, and I apologize for that. I'm still grounded [due to grades] but my parents are giving me a little time online, because I got my Wisdom teeth out on friday. So I've read all of Rachel and the other blogs I follow & actually pay attention too, and am now writing one myself. So here is what's new:

1.I wrote 15 songs for fawm, sadly I was grounded after only posting 3 on the Fawm website
2.I have taught myself trumpet, my biggest thing now is building up lip strength
3.I have been drawing out all my Novel Characters (from NaNoWriMo) And then will write out my story arch, and write out Draft #2, typing it then for draft 2.5
4.I am thinking about what I want to do for colleges. Suddenly I want to Major in English &/or music education, Minor in Languages & take a few classes on computers & writing. I have never been more confused.
5.I have pondered firefighting more than once.
6.I have pissed myself at the thought of huge fires more than once.
7.I'm about 85% I have a boy. He listens to me, gets along well with my friends, we went out on valentines, and he gave me ear phones [Music is key to a girls heart.. well, that & books]
8.I have seen the potter movies atleast a dozen times each.
9.I learned to use a guitar capo
10.I wrote a song about writers block on March 3rd.
11.On the 3rd, I also wrote a song expressing my love for Ron Weasley.
12.I've started a Novel that is so personal to me I have told no one (until now)
13.I have filled almost another mini notebook
14.I got my wisdom teeth out and my face has swollen like aunt marg, before she floats away from the dursley's house.
15.I've run out of numbers

Until I can post again,

February 10, 2009

I Be Live

Yeah, I need to work on blogging more. But starting tomorrow *hopefully* I will be posting drawings at yeah. I got's ta go now. :D


February 1, 2009

FAWM- I can Haz written a song

Yeah, Fawm is Feb Album Writting Month, which I am participating in, so yeah, I am gonna post lyrics of the songs, and any videos I post while playing and singing it. so yeah, Song #1:

Song #1: Hate Me

[Verse 1]
I've got a bad disposition, what's a girl to do
It's not my fault everyone I meet
annoys the ever livin' piss outta me
I admit I am a hypocrite, judge books by their cover
But I'm not the only one we all judge one another.

I'm aloud to hate you if I wanna
Say what I want until my face turns blue
I wouldn't blame you if you hate me
Cause If I were you, I'd totally- hate me

[Verse 2]
Don't tell me your skin is why I hate thee
Cuase my hate may be reasonless, pointless, meaningless
But I'm not a Racist, that much is true, cause I can guarantee hate white people then you

[Chorus X2]

Tell me whatcha think,

January 31, 2009

It Has Been A While

And I apologize for that. Taking a break I guess, and I am not sure when I will be regularly posting, but I will SOON. :D


January 16, 2009

2009: Day 16

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades; Weekly updated webcomic; To give up Contractions
Progress: I Have been writing a bit more, and have totally decided on a new direction for the novel I be working on, and I have walking on sunshine memorized and obnoxiously running through my head, and we gotz a 93 on a quiz that may be counted as a test in Geometry (Das ist Gute, Ja)
Professional Assesment: I izz awesome. Yuppers

I am tired, you blog readers are lucky I like you, or I would be in bed right now.
School = Boring
After School = Wegmans. THEY MAKE MANGO SODA NOW! -drool- and it is delicious. I love it very much.
I have yet to finish my book, due to my inability to stay awake. Which is odd for me.
And I <4
To write more and sleep



January 15, 2009

2009: Day 15

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades; Weekly updated webcomic; To give up Contractions
Progress: I have read like 25 pages total, nights have been weird for me. Oh and I totally added 200 words to a possible novel in progress(but 2462 words in and I already want to scrap it -_-) I can play 'Walking On Sunshine' as covered by Aly & AJ(and ALMOST not mix up the words) and 4ever semi well. And I talked to boys. Without turning bright read or bitchy. I think I win.
Professional Assesment: I izz awesome. Yuppers

I went to school today, and I used rulers and pencils and majik number boxes. I stayed after too, to make up lots of crap I missed, like english and geometry. I have become much, well not nicer, but more talky talky with all of my classmates, which is good, right? I mean, we laugh up a storm which is nice for Me, and I swear I may have allies... ehh, it only took what, eleven years counting kindergarden? Thirteen if you count pre school. Yup, I am Just that cool.
So I still lack crippling diseases; I must get on that (perve). Oh Oh Oh! MY ERIC HUTCHINSON BUTTON'S CAME! (bow chika wow wow. Yup I am that big a perve) IN the Mail today! And I <4>
So I need to keep working on my Deviant Art update that I have been typing for two days now. I hope to post it tomorrow(I also hope for a 'Cold Day', a snow day because it is to cold)
Gute Nacht


January 14, 2009

2009: Day 14

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades; Weekly updated webcomic; To give up Contractions
Progress: I have started drawing Comic #1 (well, 2, you will see later)
Professional Assesment: I izz awesome. Yup

I went to school today, which I don't enjoy. Art was fine, just drawing and proportion (which arent to difficult) and in Geometry we are going over practice tests (and starting a new webcomic....) yeah. Band was fun. I kickz azz on ze Bazzoon... Yeah. The rest of the day was blurish, mostly videos and laughing with friends *gaspIHaveBecomeSocial!* So that was fun.
After I got home I have just eaten and done chores and used the computer.
I guess that's it. Oh, I hate Barrak NObama, however you spell his God Forsaken name. (Look up FOCA aka the Pro killing innocent unborn babies because you suck Act)
So Yeah, and I am planning youtube video(s) woo, and writing, cause I can[but I suck].
Yeah so I am gonna go play the guitar now. :D

-SaraH (feels weird all the sudden)

January 13, 2009

2009: Day 13

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades; Weekly updated webcomic; To give up Contractions
Progress: Playing guitar a lot, and have been researchin Disease, and Totally been drawin for ze comic.
Professional Assesment: I izz awesome

So I was a bit more productive... Yeah. But I missed the bus, so they are makin' me go to bed early, which sucks. I totally have been shoveling in shorts, because I can. I have to stay after tomorrow and thursday to make up stuff I missed on Friday And I read about 15 pages of my book at like, 1 am, before falling back asleep.
I have most of Untitled MEMORIZED (muahaha!) And almost all of 4ever as well. (I have known 'Cry' for like, months xD)
Yeah, so I HAVE SHOES COMMING IN THE MAIL! They are Rocket Dogs, Three pair and I AM SO EXCITED!!! And I have Eric Hutchinson Button(s) Comming, for Voting for him. <4
I must be (Forced) off now. I have (To be forced) to get to bed now.


January 12, 2009

2009: Day 12

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades; Weekly updated webcomic; To give up Contractions
Progress: Totally worked on El Guitaro, and I am starting Book #1 Tonight!
Professional Assesment: I izz awesome

So today wasn't fun at school, I was sick friday, so lots to make up. Then I came home, did homework and made a video, playing the guitar randomly to practice more, while things saved and uploaded. Id say that's it. I feel like I didn't do anything today. 
Oh, yeah, ze video (which I show you part of my Hippo Collection!)

Night Yall


January 11, 2009

2009: Day 11

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades; Weekly updated webcomic; To give up Contractions
Progress: I kinda took a day off, I guess... yeah
Professional Assesment: I izz lazzzeee

From this Day forth, I shall no longer use Contractions. So you know, if I use any ', other than in titles of things, let me know. I am doing this, to pay more attention to the way I speak and write. It is because I am awesome, you know.
Today I slept and I cleaned and I baked cookies. I did not want to bake them, but Mom was bitching so I had to. -_- I am planning out the begining and ending of the Novel, moving around dates and such. So soon I will have that written. And by doing this and then writing draft two and then two point five and then shoving it at my english teacher, I am hopeing to get it published and No one will know how it starts or ends. Neener Neener Neeeeeeennnnneeeeer.
Right now I am watching Tess of D'Urbervilles on PBS Masterpiece Theatre, and right now, Tess' husband is bein' a real scum bag.
So I have not been reading much, I need to start, If I wish to hit Fifty-Two, which will not be too bad. Oh, oh, oh! INKHEART JANUARY TWENTY THIRD!!!! Except, Brandon Frasier as Mo, I am not to sure about.
I am addicted to twitter, and it is no longer funny, oh and LOLCats too, which is funny.
So I shall end it there, for I must put away my computer,


1:44 AM

More Lolcats! I was browsin dem with my mumzee, this is what we found:

January 10, 2009

2009: Day 10

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades; Weekly updated webcomic
Progress: I'VE PLANNED A BETTER ENDING FOR THE VAMPIRE NOVEL!! (don't worry rachel xD), Room is semi-cleaner, we found the missing book, 2 Pages into book 1 of 52
Professional Assesment: I feelz awesome, btw

So, I've decided I win. Just cause. It's my blog, I can say that and you can do nothing to stop me. Muahahah.
So i was randomly browsing online at and I found this, it's neat with a nice tie die journal I'd like <4>
I Lost watson today, and then I founded him, yay!
Oh and the Vampire novel I'm just planning my prolouge and epilough and I'll write those and then start draft two. Yeah.
So I think that's it for now..... So yeah, Oh I can almost play 'Untitled' by simple plan. Yeah, that's is.

1:23 Am

I've been lookin at lolcatz. the first 15 pages. The best

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

Other Funny ones

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals
funny pictures of cats with captions
more animalsfunny pictures of cats with captions
more animals
funny pictures of cats with captions

more animals
funny pictures of cats with captions
more animal

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals
funny pictures of cats with captions
more anima

January 9, 2009

2009: Day 8 & 9

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades; Weekly updated webcomic
Progress: So I've been drawing for the web comic that may actually happen, I've actually 'Semi-Flirted' which is better then the glares I thow at boys, I've been cleaning for about an hour, Watson is filling up nicely
Professional Assesment: I fear upcomming stand still

My goodness, I felt so terrible today and yesterday, uck. I blame that history project I did, which sucked Balls. (Pardon my french, or Italian, it was on Italy.)
So I'm cleaning my room right now which isn't fun, but I have to, because I lost a library book, which I need. So it's like forcing a resolution on me :D
So I've been filling Watson, my Teeny notebook, which is good. Lot's of Ideas for 2 new novels, one which I've started, one I need research for. I've decided to go ahead and start draft 2 of My vampire novel. I'm writing it all out in 3 subject notebooks. Then I'm going to do extra editing and changing as I type it, so that would be draft 2.5 (o.0). At that point I will print it and bring it in to my english teacher. (I'm hopeing to start recycling the first drafts into new paper soon, so by then it will be on recycled paper :D) I have lots of changing to do, but I'm so ready for it. The Tree will become much more important, it's only mentioned afew times throughout the first draft, but it will mean much more :)
FAWM is in February, February Album Writing Month (I think) You write 14 songs in a month (one will be about S.A.D. [Singles appreciation day] I promise) so I'm working on my Guitar skillz for that, it will be awesome. And I'm thinkinkg I'll record one every other day (2 days a song, right?... yeah) And it will be awesome (I hope).
I use the word 'Dude' a lot, like I dont know, I just do. I'm weird, deal, yo. But I'm just weird. I can only see like one square foot of my floor, so I must go, but first, I wanna tell you about my first 'Real; youtube hater. First I had one tell me my drawing was ugly, didn't look like jackson rathbone, but that wasnt bad. My first 'Real' hater is sarao0 who commented 'you suck. my penis can draw better than'. It's not suprising, all sara's without 'H' are crazy (to some extent). She'll get a shout out in my next video -yay- 
So that'd be it, Rachel, I'm glad you like Bio so much, I had tons of fun in it last year. I had the best Sarcastic teacher ever.


January 8, 2009

2009: Day 7

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades; Weekly updated webcomic
Progress: So I wrote another hundred or so words... pathetic yes, but it's progress. And I did the '1st' of many web comics to come. 'Sarcasim Chasm' is it's name. I will link it when it's up.
Professional Assesment: I happen to be doing very well

My history essay is not done. Working, I'm sore, I need to do the Project part and I still need to find rubber bands -_- Shoot me now.

January 6, 2009

2009: Day 6

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades
Progress: So I could not sleep this morning, so I started another novel. (No you won't be seeing it every chapter, doing it like that messes me up, so I'm thinkin a few chapters at a time) so 2k words down, 98k to go xD, School I was Happy and Gave HUGS!
Professional Assesment: I happen to be doing well

My history essay is a bitch, because Italy was a slut during WW1 and was on both sides at one point or another... don't ask, it's safer. I'm so tired right now, I swam at noonish for gym and then after school to make up a class. My legs feel absoloutly jello-esque. That's not good, as a Veggie I don't do Jello xD.
School was boring at worse, awesome at best. Band kicks ass, we're playin this British style Nile March and A medly of Video Game Themes, and I've got's Melody!!! The bassonist never gets awesome parts like that (well they do, just not on the peices I always play). So, yay!
I've been drawin' up a storm and I will be later tonight. I've drawn every day, so, Yay meeee! I dunno what else to say...
Oh, Watson says hello, he's my little notebook. I seriously need mental help, naming things and such, but that's okay.
My new novel came from a few Idead I had a while back, and now that I'm actually going to use them, I feel happy. Yay. Oh and I've been researching Crippling diseases of the legs, so if you know any that could cause one to lose some to all their mobility and use of legs and are also fatal, let me know. (It's for another Novel)
I'd say that's all for today... Oooh, I want a veggie burger. 
Oh, how does everyone like the way I 'format' my blogs now? You dont? Oh, I don't care, I just wondered xD


January 5, 2009

2009: Day 5

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades
Progress: School was okay, drawin' up a storm, Yay
Professional Assesment: There better be hope

So I forgot to blog.. -_- I posted a Youtube Vid for the Artsy Fartsy Briagde tho... yeah.

January 4, 2009

2009: Day 4

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling; Read 52 Books; Improve shitty grades
Progress: Still cleaning, but not much; I started writing another song, I'll turn it into a youtube video about how there's nothing wrong with pencil (dont ask... yet), and I played my song 'Nostalgic Fool' for my friend Em this morning
Professional Assesment: There better be hope

So I am just sitting here, freezing in wet hair, wondering, What am I gonna do for my Monday video. I'm gonna film it... well, after I get dressed and brush my hair. But let me tell you what I did today; History Essay. I thought it was due tomorrow, so I'm working as fast as I can. Then I check my Deviantart messages, and my friend goes 'It's a miracle you started before wednesday.' Now I stop and fall back a bit and message her back. She calls 'It's not due until Thursday.' At this point I hold back my tears, shut the laptop and pick up the guitar and start a song about how there is nothing wrong with pencil. Yeah, that's how fried my brain is.
So I'm losing my mind. Oh and apparently my biological clock is ticking... because I drew a baby. Yeah, no. Not that funny. The caffine is starting to wear offf, thank Goodness, but I've been guitaring so much, my fingers now hurt :'(
But I'm gonna go film now. Yay! I'm posting it tomorrow on the Collab Channel, The Artsy Fartsy Brigade, cause I'm monday. Yay!


January 3, 2009

2009: Day 3

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling
Progress: Still cleaning, ugh, Wrote down more novel Ideas, Salad FTW
Professional Assesment: There Definatly is much hope

I slept... a lot, after I went to bed, um, late *cough6amcough* yeah, then I got up, I dunno when, 4 ish? Fed pets, cleaned the kitchen and got started on my history project, which I have been working on for hours, stoping only to eat, urinate and take plenty of Dance breaks... Oh and getting distracted on YouTube a few times... Damn. Oh well.
My first Vid for the Collab on Monday. Yay! Oh, I got guitar picks yesterday, meaning I no longer have to play with a quarter (you're not supposed to.. i was never told). And they are really nice. <4
And I'm planning on drawing later, instead of one of my dance breaks.
I tink that's it.
Lauren, I'll see you tomorrow.. oh wait, this isn't a video. Sorry, i'm youtube obsessed and forgot.
Oh Oh Oh! I forgot! It's the first time since November we could see stars! So I grabed my star chart and went outside, laid down a towel and watched the stars for a while. Gosh it was awesome.
And I got a letter from my British Pen pal, Elsie! Yay, it's just great! I had totally given up hope of hearing from her, sending my letter on the 9th of december. She wrote hers on the 15th, but I wonder when she sent it... jk. I'm just so flipping happy! 2009 For The Epicly Epic Awesomely Awesome Win!

January 2, 2009

2009: Day 2

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling
Progress: Used 'ILY' twice on AIM, didn't think (more than) one negative thing about anyone, cleaned part of dwelling
Professional Assesment: There Definatly is much hope

So yeah, I've been cleaning my room, and talkin' to Mr.T, Em and Alex all day, except when I went to the grandparents for dinner. Vegetarian Rice for meeee :D I think that may be it? Blah.
I got PICKS!! So I have more than the pick of doom, and I need to film my resolution video and my monday video, Tonight or Tomorrow. I know who Imma tag too! Yeah, short, sorry. Tomorrow, I promise a longer one.


January 1, 2009

2009: Day 1[part b]

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will); Write Eather new Novel or 2nd Draft; Finish writing A Song; Clean the Dwelling
Progress: Multiple times, patient smiled and had friendly conversations on AIM & through email. She spoke kindly to her parental(after waking up)
Professional Assesment: There Definatly is hope.

Hola, amigas! (well, and amigos, if you're there.) Welcome to January First, 2009! I be your happy Host, Sarah the magnificent, who, yes, has ADDED more resolutions since this morning. It is almost Midnight! Whoopie! Almost Friday. Lemme give you a run down of today;
1.Slept 7am to 1pm
2.Got up and cleaned some of the dwelling (my room)
3.Played guitar and wrote what, when polished, will be a new original song
--Through out day; I twittered, IM'ed Members of The Artsy Fartsy Brigade, which has 20 Subscribers, and watched You Tube Videos.
I really feel wonderful, which is strange for me, so I'm just gonna go with it. I'm gonna make a youtube video, and if I get the song better, i may record that so YOU GUYS can see it (a a few friends). The problem is I need brutal opinions, and friends don't seem to do that well.
Readers You will see my Text tomorrow,

2009: Day One

Resolution: To Be Less 'I hate People." ; To Draw more, daily ; Become Healthy (interpret as you will)
Progress: Willingly, outloud said, and I quote "I Love People," after a Twitter, and then again looking at friendly comments
Professional Assesment: There may still be hope.

Yeah, everyday, you're gonna get that at the begining of my posts. Why? Because I can :D
So what did I do for new years eve? I spent the moments up to New Years Talking to A friend about lady soveriegn, leading up to This Fan Site we are working on.
I've also made some friends, and joined a collab channel on Youtube, The Artsy Fartsy Brigade, I added the brigade part, so yay, you can look for me on mondays. I also made the logo and a pic of everyone (which I dont like).
And I've decided to go 'SCREW YOU, 2008, I'm GONNA HAVE A KICK ASS 2009!'
Yeah and now my blos all outta wack -__- Screw this, Imma go draw (lolz)