December 31, 2008
I'm having a MidWrite Crisis.
December 29, 2008
I was without internet for over 26 hours.
December 28, 2008
It's Still Saturday, Cause I haven't been to bed yet
December 27, 2008
I declare the 26th national hippo day
December 26, 2008
Christmas for The Win!!!
December 24, 2008
Less than 1 hour and a half till Christmas
December 23, 2008
1. Put your iTunes on shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
2) WHAT WAS YOUR CHILDHOOD LIKE. . . Cemetary Drive (x_x)
4) HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY?... Wach Auf (Come On in German)
7) WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU?... Video Girl (????)
8) WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN?... Something Bad (ahhh, Wicked)
9) WHAT IS 2+2?... Teenagers
10) WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND?... To The End (well, that's a good answer. ILY Windows Media Playe)
11) WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE?... Girlfriend (Like, seriously? I no longer Love You Windows Media Player. Stupid WMP, thinks he likes me)
12) WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY?... You Know What they Do To Guys Like Us In Prison (0.o I don't want to know)
13) WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? ... complicated (If that were true, I'd already be grown up)
14) WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE? ... Let The Flames Begin (wow.. This things good. How did it know?)
15) WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU?... Mouth Shut (They do tell me to shut up a lot...)
17) WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL?... Letzte Minute (YES! Windows Media Player you WIN! It's later Times in German 'Today is the day, is so dark is so black..' it goes on to say I want the later days)
18) WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? ... Because I'm Awesome (How Is That A Hobby?)
19) WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? ... Rette Mich (Rescue Me. Wow. A cry for help.... WMP you did it again)
20) WHAT'S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN?... He Wasn't (Hey, WMP, you win)
1) HOW WILL YOU DIE?... Thank You For The Venom..... (so I'll get bit by a snake. Good to know)
22) WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET? ... Seven Days Without You (awww, that be sweeet, you know, if I had a 'You')
23) WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH?... I'm Not Okay (I promise) [Nice. I do laugh when I get hurt]
24) WHAT MAKES YOU CRY?... Perfect (Gosh, fav Simple Plan song ever, and it does make me cry)
25) WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED? ... Unwanted (hahaha. Very Funny)
26) WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF? ... This Is How it Feels (so... bein honest?)
27) DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU? ... This Love (Gahh WMP why are you using the Veronicas to Confuse me?)
29) WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW? ... Eyes On Fire (well,... I see how that could hurt)
30) WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS?... Take Me ON The Floor (I already used that, how about Rand00m)
Over My Head
December 22, 2008
Reach Out
December 21, 2008
My fingers are so cold I'm having issues typing
December 20, 2008
December 19, 2008
Everything I Ask For
December 18, 2008
Mein Herz ist Gift für dich
December 17, 2008
Call It Off
December 15, 2008
December 14, 2008
Fear Of Tomorow
December 13, 2008
You Had Me
Brand New Key
I've hit Two Thousand words on ze new Novel. I'm not writing nearly as much as Nano, but I want to get atleast 3-5 hundred words a day in.
I got no sleep last night, but my room is almost clean. Mom stashed her camera, which Isn't good, cause I need it so I can take pics as I draw.
So = <3,>
Take Me On The Floor

OMG! It's A SONG! Gosh, I just steal their titles. But yeah, I feel the need to update you, again. Cause I can. I've been Writing! Novel Number Two, Working Title 'Band Geeks Have Feelings Too' which I think is awesome. Below is a screen shot to show you so far, just 2 days of writing while distracted and unapplied. You can see word counts, a few charrie names and a few other things, just so you can have an Idea of how I'm doing. IF you want to read it, I can make a new blog and make you a blog author, just let me know if you'd like to (You could edit if you'd like, we'd have to talk about that tho) so email me at
December 12, 2008
I'm Gone, I'm Going
December 11, 2008
Don't Gimme That
December 6, 2008
in fact,
i think i hate you
i find you so stupid
it is almost as if you don't know anything
what you wear is stupid
the way you talk is, like, so, totally, stupid
your criticism is obnoxious
your attitude makes me sick
your tring to be someone other then yourself
your a riddiculus farse
if i could, i would just kick you in the arse
i've found my tongue as sharp as a razor, ready to insult you idiots
yet, maybe i shouldn't
our heads have butted so many times
but maybe i am partially at fault
a hypocrite who hates hypocrites?
no, it's not my fault
it is your fault
i hate you.
December 5, 2008
Stories and Sleep
I havent slept in 8 days. Hopeing tonight will be different.
BORED! (writing another story while my editor monkeys edit.. Muahaha!)
December 3, 2008
i finished! Woo
Closest thing to A victory vid I can make, and it's day SEVEN without sleep, other than dozing in Geometry and english.
Band Concert, I kicked ass with my bassoon(that's funny squared because the part where 2 tubes connect is called the boot.
I'm writing another story thanks to this 2nd person thing I wrote a while ago, you'll get a link to that insipration once I find it and type it up
NOVEL STUFF!!!!( copyed and tweeked from dA)
Yesh I am actually going to print it out and give copies to people..... Now they will have to return it in a few weeks... with there honest and brutal editing all over the thing. Spelling shouldn't be to horrible, but I turned off grammercheck and added 'Vampitastic' so yeah... Its 98 pages, font size 13 so I don't know how many copies I will get printed.
If you want to read my novel and know me IRL:
--Comment this journal
--I will then hand it to you during school in a folder or essay covery thing
--You will read it and edit, I have totally bumped up the margines and spacing, so WRITE ALL OVER IT! lolz. I suggest
-----Putting in where you want chapters put.. Yup, I have like 2-3 exta line breaks if I think I want a chapter, but you can put them ANYWHERE YOU WANT :d
-----Colored Pens/Pencils
-----Sticky notes
--I want this Back. When, you ask? Take your time reading and editing, I want your honest opinion. But If I'm hoping to finish editing by May, I'm gonna need these back in a few weeks, I'm hoping before break so I can haul ass and edit like a feind. (Sp?)
--Give me Title Suggestions!
-And don't bother counting words. The first and only edit I've done since writing is cutting out a few thousand words at the end, so it's Not 50k anymore.
IF YOU DON"T LIVE NEAR ME but are my FRIEND(I don't have a list of friends, the one in my past journals is just to incomplete)
You're gonna have to email me if You really wanna read it, Teenager who's Vegetarian, who turns vampiric... Yeah, I'm serious.
but Yeah if you email me at (I lost my old Email and all the emails I saved T_T) and we can work something out.So yeah, I know who wants one, But they can comment anyway Muahahaha!Since it's almost a hundred pages each, i warn you it may take a few days to get them printed. I can mail it to you, but you'd have to promise to mail it back, and stuff.
Yeah, it's it. :D THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE SUPPORT! Especially Rachel's Nov. 30 Blogblogblog. It made me Smilesmilesmile. Thanksthanksthanks! lolz
November 30, 2008
42,500 words down, 7,500 to go!
November 29, 2008
3 Am
November 28, 2008
Gahh! Only 32!
Thanksgiving is stupid.
November 27, 2008
Thirty Thousand!
And have you seen the Commercial Cobin Bleu did for the new Guitar Hero for Nintendo DS. Less creepy then the one for rockband, he can dance, but still odd.
-----10 ish mins later------
So The marching band from James Madison University in Virgina just played, and they were amazing. My lesson teacher for bassoon went there, and I am totally sold on going there now. AMAZING THEY WERE!!
------10 more minutes-------------
Yay! I've passed thirty by a hundred and nineteen. yay! Oh my, I'm such a spazz.
Never Gonna Give YOU Up
So yeah, I have over 29k so until we go to dinner, I may keep posting as I get more.
That reminds me, I need to bring some vegetarian meat substitute, since I wont be eating turkey. Chicken Nuggets or Corn Dogs? Oh and I need to make my Veggie gravy.
Later, Sarah must keep writing and cook!
Two more thousand
So yeah, spazzy is over and out.
ps, thank's for the encouraging words, it's um.... encouraging? Sorry, all creativity goes toward the story.
November 24, 2008
Less Depressed Blog
So I'm writing and I will get charrie info up semi-soon. I have less then a week to write like, 27 thousand words, I'm way behind. So yeah, you'll get charrie Info soon.
AITN stands for Apathy Is Thy Name, btw.
November 23, 2008
Sorry for the second post in less then 3 hours.
Continuation of Previous Excerpt, Oh Goodie!
I looked up to see a very angry looking red head, her jade eyes on fire. And her hood covered most of her face. The red hair sticking out of her hood looked almost like a mane of fire. “Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth. You’re so predictable. That’s going to get you killed one of these days.” She leaned down face to face and I caught her pungent scent, wrinkling my nose. “I hate you, you know. It’s very personal, and makes me want to kill you, and I would,” she said, stepping on my hand before I could get up and then kicked my in the side. “But I can’t kill you, because Azra needs you. She needs anyone she can get, really. Even your stupid ass would help the cause.”
“Who are you?” I asked, glaring at her and holding my side.
“Me? Oh, I’m Morgan, Steven’s sister.”
“Yeah, he and I were turned by Emily, at the Christmas party a few years ago. Don’t ask for how it happened, we were so zonked on eggnog, I cant remember half of it. But that doesn’t matter. All that matters now is that you and that stupid Nicholas are brought to your doom and that Azra takes over, well, Everything.” She smiled at me, looking even more menacing then before. “The two of you have ruined way to many things. First you kill Steven before he gets a chance to turn you all the way. Then you kill Emily, my creator, gosh I miss Emily, I loved her so much,” she said with a sigh. Nick had warned me about extreme attachment between vampires and those who changed them, while Annabella was in the process of turning. I found the whole thing quite odd. She kicked me again in the stomach, and her gloved hands came down to tie my arms behind my back, tightly. She then yanked me up to my feet and pushed my toward the street. A large black hearse stopped at the corner and 3 pale looking Halflings flew out of the vehicle, shoved a paper bag over my head, and shoved me in it, banging my head on the doorway.
“So this is her?” I heard one of the Halflings ask Morgan. “She’s the slime who got Steve and Emily killed?”
“Yes,” Morgan said, loudly. “Feel free to rough her up a bit.” Her voice cracked has she let out an awful hackle. I felt the vehicle turn a corner quickly, slamming me into the door and making me groan. This made the Halflings join in laughing. The driver kept taking sharp corners, which threw me all over, since I was tied up to keep me from escaping.
I cant tell you how long we were in that car, but I can tell you we took 10 sharp turns and stopped hard 7 times, the last time being the worse, I landed on the floor. I was yanked out of the car and thrown on the ground. They dragged me over a parking lot and grass and then my feet caught a doorstop, causing everyone to stumble upon me as I felt back to the ground.
“Up, you stupid Halfling,” said a low voice before I was kicked in the behind. I struggled to me feet and was shoved down the hallway, our steps echoing loudly. Their smells we beginning to reach my nose, and even though the bag blocked most of it, the faint smells were horrible and made me gag. The hall was drafty, but was getting warmer and warmer as we walked, until we took a sharp turn and I tripped over another door frame.
I was picked up, thrown against a wall, and then cold metal bands clicked shut around my wrists and ankles. The bag was removed from my head and every teenager’s nightmare came true; the high school I attended every fall was being used as an evil lair for vampires and their Halflings. There were dead bodies along the walls, and a pair of humans tied together in a corner, whispering to each other, as if the vampires couldn’t hear them. Lunch tables were randomly put out and the cafeteria we were in had vampires mulling around each of the tables.
Then, out of the largest group, one of the vampires broke off from the group and approached me. She was very petit, her skin a pale ivory, and her golden hair went well with her harsh emerald eyes. Her mouth was curved into an upside down half moon and open just enough to see her teeth.
“Annabella,” she said in a harsh tone. “I wondered when I would finally meet you, and I’m glad it’s sooner then later.” She looked me up and down, sized me up, and cocked her head to the side. Placing her elbow in her hand and the other hand on her face she spoke again. “You know, you’re luck to have turned. You will essentially live forever, and isn’t that what everyone wants, Immortality? You should be thanking me.”
“And why is that?” I asked harshly as I glared at her.
“Because I started it all,” she said, throwing her hands in a large, circular gesture. If it were not for me, Michel never would have turned Steven, meaning you would still be a puny little mortal.”
“Azra,” I said to my self, practically whispering.
“That’s Right! I am the one, the only-”
“The Magnificent,” chimed in another vampire.
“The Malevolent,” added another.
“Azra!” She said, getting close to me face, cackling uncontrollably. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh, so she slapped me across the face. “Respect me, you fool! I am Queen of The Vampires! I control your fate, I could kill you now if I wanted. Or I could kill Nicholas if you’d like.” My eyes widened in panic. If she hadn’t succeeded thus far, how could that be true. Unless she had sacrificed Steven to lure me and my family into a false sense of security. As always, my thoughts played across my face. “That hit a heartstring, didn’t it. The second you step out of line, he’s dead.”
Oooh, it's a long one. Tell me what you thing, and it is exactly what comes right after the previous excerpt.
So I still have to record the song for english, but I'm pretty sure i'm not handing it in. I'm so EMBARRASSED!
And sketcher- SO ADDICTING!
November 22, 2008
I stepped onto the playground, gravel crunching under my feet, and walked over to the swing I was on when Annabella found me. The metal chain holding the seat was warm from the sun, and the plastic seat stuck to parts of my legs that weren’t covered by my jean shorts. The breeze from swinging felt good on my warm skin, but the squeeky chain irritated me a bit. It only lasted a few minutes, for before I knew it, I was shoved off the swing onto my hands and knees, which threw gravel everywhere.
Yeah, it's really teeny and it's probbably the nicest written part of the book. No, I take that back, when I set up changes in setting, those are the best parts. I'm still way behind, but I'm hopefully making good time. -uhhh-
In other news I feel uderly crappy, someone shoot me. And I need a video camera ASAP.
November 20, 2008
So if I don't eat or sleep
I can do whatever I need off the computer from 10pm to 4am. Use the comp from 3 when I get home till 9:30pm and practice guitar for half an hour till 10. If that makes sense to you.. 3 gold stars.
So I've got to find references off the computer so I can draw at night. OH and I'm drawing an Ood for my new art coverpage. -huzzah!- Ood=coolashell
So I'm gonna go write some more.
BUT I GOTTED MY ENGLISH SONG DONE! I may make a video of it, and post it :D
November 18, 2008
Not after Nine Thirty
November 17, 2008
November 16, 2008
Fifteen Thousand words makes me behind...
I walked down to the old playground that my friends and I used to play at, when we were younger, and I sat down in one of the swings. I closed my eyes and pumped my legs making me go higher. I felt the breeze in my face, and heard the whoosh of the wind and relaxed. I tried to forget everything wrong that was happening, but was interupted by a voice.
“Elizabeth, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” I opened my eye to look straight into the face Of my sister.
“Anns, are you okay?”
“Fine, but you have to come with me.” There was something wrong with her. Her body was more ridged, and she was more pale than usual. I slowed the swing to a stop and she grabbed me by my wrist.
I twisted to try to get out of her grasp but her grip was super strong. “What happened to you?” She started twitching and flinching.
“Nothing, It just-” before she could finish her ssentence she folded at the knees and hit the ground in a pile of sobs and twitches. “Hurts!” she was shrill as she kept moving.
I crouched down and held my older sister by her shoulders. She was loosing her smell and she didn’t feel cold to me. “Who bit you?” I was angry and practically yelled at her, causing her to flinch away from you.
“I don’t know,” she kept sobbing, “Some guy with white hair.” She arched her back as if she was reaching to the sky. “It hurts so much,” she sobbing into my shoulder, still twitching.
“I know, I know.”
“No You Don’t!” she cried, biting my shoulder to try and stop screaming.
“I told you I was a vampire. But I won’t let them put you in the hospital like I was.” Her eyes got wide, and took a breath as if she was going to say something back, but instead screamed in pain. “I have to get you home.”
“No, I don’t want to move!” I grunted as I lifted her as high as I could. She flailed and squirmed in my arms, but grabbed around my neck, as I started toward the house.
Sooo. tell meh whatcha think. New twist that has been part of the last thousand words I've written in like, an hour tops. We take the protagonist who has been turned, and turn her sister :D If only it wasn't painful.... Oh well.
----In other news----
I've been learnin the guitar and writing songs. We're working on song number 3. Soon we'll add music to words. -yay-
My fingers hurt
I'm going to try to draw some one tonight. I dunno who yet. I've got a few good ideas and a few nice refs, so i should be okilie dokilie.
This weekends' been a real Snore so far..... oh well
November 13, 2008
34 Haunts Me
Hmm. Done Pimping my YouTube Account,
November 12, 2008
The New Kid Theory
It's common knowledge that the first person a new kid talks to becomes duct taped to them, Voala, intstant best friends. I want to test that theory.
I will need;
1 New kid in my grade;
2 patients to deal with the possiblity of them being an idiot;
3 free time to spend with said idiot;
4 tiny note pad to write notes in as I spend time with new kid (and cause I've always wanted to pretend to be watson.. teehee)
New blogs will be posted as we come into new developements
Current Phase: 1
Phase one- Get a new kid
Phase two- befriend said new kid
Phase three- become best friends with said new kid
November 11, 2008
Windows Movie Maker,
Now that that's over, I wasted my whole day!! I got it off thanks to veteran(sp?)'s day. I slept, called my grandfather to wish him a happy v day, and have been trying to draw, No such luck. I'll be up intill 2 am, thursday trying to draw david tennant for my coverpage, due tommorow -ohshiiiite- yeah. that's it. I auditioned of a collab channel on youtube, I should know if I got it in the next day or so... Woo
November 10, 2008
Soreness Rules it's, umm... does soreness have a head? Oh well, I CAN JUMP ROPE!!!
Today was pretty mundain (is that how it's spelled. I dunno. Spell check is for squares) School, stayed after (5th day in a row), home, eat, feed and hop on harry potter (ewww, that's my computer..... -gashpervishmomentsheldbraindfrommentalimages-)
I'm really sore.. but.. I CAN JUMPROPE! Yes, yes I can. Took me forever to get back into the swing of it, but I'm trying to get younger, instead of older. (I refuse to believe I will be 16 in less then Nine months).
Imma go draw now.. May even get some youtube videos out a' me :D
November 9, 2008
I didn't have to go to the football game today. Or I would be marching -shudder-
Thank goodness. I have this horrible headach, the whole right side of my head is pounding. =_=
November 8, 2008
Still having Nightmares.. St00pid NObama, take away guitar hero
So I've been drawing up a storm, no suprise there. Lot's of Lizzie, Nicholas, Isadora and Andrew; three importante characters from my NaNoWriMo story.
And I looked up Cathaterian and Cathaterianism. I dub them new ways to phrase you're Catholic. Yup Yup Yup.
And I was animating something like the chibi I did earlier, making different expressions. It's taking me forever.
And I cant get a good reference picture of Rick Astly, of 'Rick Roll'd' so that's a pain in ze arse. ugh.
And I have Don't Wait Up For Me by the Donnas stuck in my head. It was a free download the other day, so I HAD to download it. I GOTTED THE TWILIGHT sound track. Tis awesome. But, no offence to Rob Pattinson, I wouldn't buy any cd he put out himself... But atleast he's pretty....
November 7, 2008
I Go 'Ooh Ooh' You go 'Ahh Ahhh'. 'Lalalala, Alalala.'
I gotted the Twilight Soundrack! Paramore! Muse!.... Um, Rob Pattinson?........... not my favorite?
I'm officially a Taylor Swift Fan, damn guitar song stuck in my head. And she totally mocked Joe Jonas, teehee. (Like them too, but it's funneh)
Spazz Spazz Spazz
November 6, 2008
I don't think the Pope Likes the Big Bang Theory... Honestly? I don't eather
1.How the Catholic deals with Science
3.Sarah Palin Fangirl-ism (and her unhappyness with NObama)
5.Vegetarianism 1 year in...12 days -huzzah-
So your favorite Cathaterian (Cause that sounds cooler then Catholic) was sitting in science, doodle a gun going BANG shooting out planets (lolz, symbolism) and I was thinking, this is Stupid. I dont want to learn about your far-fetched theories. So I cant really listen to it all, so I've decided that the Bang happened in, Seven days, and everything happened at once, that's right, the earth wasn't 10 billion years later. Yeah, I have decided that the Big Bang is Wrong. Yup.
So I am officially Un-Grounded YAY! So I'm on harry (lolz, you perve) and I missed him. :)
So NObama is now our new presisdent elect. And I'm not happy. a big thing is He's Pro Choice(to take your unborn baby you were stupid and became pregenat with out of wedlock and murder them).
I have found that I am a total Palin Fan Girl (No Homo, that's sick) I'm going to draw her and then McCain, after um, Mister 'nevergonnagiveyouup'. And I'm already planning on writing a letter to Palin (because I need for a scout thingie requirement)
I havent written, cause of grounding -damn-
and yeah, 12 days till my 'Veg-a-vesary!' (I dunno if i spelled that write). I'm gonna make green cookies or cookies with green sprinkles or frosting. -yay!-
PS(and if you call me a lesbian for my palin fan-ness, I will reach threw the interweb and hurt you)
November 3, 2008
A Positive day? No Way, No way!
yeah, i've been writing up a storm, cause I'm awesome like that. So yeah, byzzzzz
November 2, 2008
I've hit 5000 words, time to Party!
November 1, 2008
NaNo Day One
Skype- doofusmaximus or AIM- thedoofusmaximus if you wanna talk. I can afford a break
October 31, 2008
Screw Halloween, it's less then 3 hours till NaNoWriMo
So Now I'm listening to my Veronicas CD, Hook Me Up, and counting down the minutes! Ohh 160 Minutes left till NaNoWriMo!
I do need to find a way to get more caffine so I can have late night writing sessions, I only have one can of Amp at the moment(so not enough). So yeah, but band thing tommorow I can't get out of, but other then that I have the whole weekend to write and sleep. Yay!
October 30, 2008
School wasn't fun
So yeah, I got ton's of homework and stuff to do. And I have to transfer binders, to cut down on how much I carry every day. -it'smuchtomuch-
Wow this is short. Imma go plan for a collab channel audition. :D
October 29, 2008
No School Today. Hacking Instead
I slept a LoT too, which is good. I'll be up all night XP so I can do homework and plan my novel. I only have enough planned for 20 thousand words.
And I totally emailed Friend Numero Uno to see if they will do NaNoWriMo with me, and edit my story when it's over. I hopes they will.
Gosh, I've had this Veronicas CD for months and I still listen to it non-stop. It must be cause I like all their songs, especially the Bitter ones (this is how it feels. da da da da dadadada da dada da!) I seriously need to see them. Even if I have to fly to Australia.
And I'm saving up Caffine, SOOOO if wanna send it to me, tha'd be cool. (JK)
And my parents are totally intervening the whole, 'Sneek pencil and Paper to marching band' which sucks. 6 or 7 hours of band instead of writing. -damn!-
that'd be all.
October 28, 2008
I survived School!
The problem is the Football team won, so we have to spend THE WHOLE DAY playing at the game. But don't fear, I've got a few tricks up my sleves.
1.Shorts with pockets for pencil and Lead
2.The Breast pocket that holds a Plum will hold a rolled up notebook
3.I can jam an eraser in mah shoe
So I've been planing like mad, and the current working title is 'Bloody Watermelon.' Trust me, its not what you think. I just cant wait to write it. I've got a majority of my characters down, and I'm working on plot charts (gosh the english teacher would be so proud... I am getting Extrra credit for it :D Imma bring in my Novel when I finish it :) )
I survived school, lots 'o' homework. I only have to stay after tommorow. For Art. Figures, my only real elective. Oh well.
Imma go do schoool schtuff and plan my storry. OHOHOH REMEMBER!! NaNoWriMo Official Site! to become part of the Awesome that will be NaNoWriMo!!!
Quick, Before School
I've been doing lots of character sketches and plot and idea stuff for NaNoWriMo. I don't seem to have a name yet, or any idea of what the cover of my novel will be, but that's okay, I've got 4 more days of waiting -boohoo, seriously- So I shall zone off in class and scribble in my sketchbook, atleast till after gym. I feel horrid still, but I can breath threw my nose -yay-
To the Land of Torcher, errm, I mean, Learning
Yeah, that's November and I am psyched! I mean, I have a plot in my head, and I'm going like mad to get it all down. I only have like, 4 days! Yeah! Harry and I are SO ready to start this. Woo!
I just signed up and I am PUMPED! Gosh I'm such a nerd, but I don't care. Lemme tell you, I am so excited and it's only 1:51 am on October 28th. Gosh. I just read my 'welcome aboard' email. There were 3 tips for NaNoWriMo, and I think I need to tell you #3;
3) Tell everyone you know that you're writing a novel in November. This will pay big dividends in Week Two, when the only thing keeping you from quitting is the fear of looking pathetic in front of all the people who've had to hear about your novel for the past month. Seriously. Email them now about your awesome new book. The looming specter of personal humiliation is a very reliable muse.
3.5) There will be times you'll want to quit during November. This is okay. Everyone who wins NaNoWriMo wanted to quit at some point in November. Stick it out. See it through. Week Two can be hard. Week Three is much better. Week Four will make you want to yodel.
And we're talking the good kind of yodeling here.
So yeah, I'm telling you, IM GONNA WRITE AN AWESOME NOVEL! There. Now I have to or I will seem pathetic. Very Pathetic.
Oh. go to and click 'Open We Feel Fine' It's the coolest thing ever. :d
Why is no one up at 1:56 am? Hmmmm? I demand an explination!
So yeah, now, hurry, go to and sign up! This be me- We can be writing buddies!
It's 2 am and none of you lamo's are on, so Imma go scope the forums xO
October 27, 2008
Oh yeah, I'm gonna be workin on Animation

Yeah, I did that last night. Pretty Awesome, right? I thought so.
So. Tired. So. Sick.
I've just wasted like, 4 days, which is extremely suckish. I never want to see my bed again. I'm thinking it should be taken to a toxic waste ,erm, place, so It doesn't infect anyone else. Ugh!
Imma go shower. I've got to scrub the marker off my arm. Did I mention I have a tendancy to draw the dark mark on my arm? Yeah. I always wondered if Draco ever got one, being a DEIT(death eater in training) Yeah... So In french I can call you short or tall. Sound like Jooo Schweee Peteet.. Yeah. Adios
Yeah, one other thing. Ever try to Cartoonify the Jonas Brothers? Yeah, well, Kevin's Hair is A Bitch. UGH! That is all
October 26, 2008
One More Thing
German. My username is doofusmaximus (big suprise there). Let's hope
this Email blog post works.
AITN (via Email)
No You're Not Hardcore, Unless You Live Hardcore!
I never Rick Rolled the dog, I need to. And I've started Playing Second Life. WTF are you supposed to do. All I could do was make my person less of a dweeb. I have no Money, and the first thing that happened was I was hit on. WTF it's like runescape all over again. Oh, let's try runescape.. Sorrry, nerd attack. Umm.
Yeah so I think I'm gonna Draw Rick, to go with my Rick Roll Obsession, but I also need to draw a nice cartoon of the Jonas Brothers, and a portrait of one of them, so I can give an example. I've offered to do art for 1st and 2nd place for Jonas Fans Unite on Deviantart's Christmas Contest. You can View your dA Page Here, and the contest info Here. I told Rebel not to post my prize untill I sent examples, so Imma send her some nice, New, Jonas Related ones :D
Lemme Tell you, I'm having Bassoon withdrawls, not playing it for what, 3 Days. Tis way to long. I almost sucked on my reed, but I don't want to get my sick Germs on it, keeping myself sick. And I cant find any old reeds. And you know I'm so hard core any mold wouldn't bother me. :D I'll prove it if you'd like :P
So I've been trying to Learn German. I can give you drei sentences, but I cant get all the umlatts so I'm not about to type any for you. I kinda wanna learn French too. I mean, I have a few RL life friends, 2 OL friends, and One RL friend who I talk to Online who all Love french. It's tempting, lemme tell you. But then Again, Italian would be good if I want to be a Music Major. Oy. Ayuda Me! (teehee, spanish). But seriously, if anyone takes any language other then English, lemme know what you think of it. :D
I have Can't Have You stuck in my head, along with Never Gonna Give You Up. Lemme Tell you, it's an odd combo.
So I watch a few blogs, and I only know 2 of the people in RL, but I finally realized why I like reading those of other people. I like People. No, I'm not dilusional, which you're saying if you know me. I like how people are, I like people watching, why should the internet be any different. I am an Observer. Now, the distain I feel toward those I know in real life, that is because they lack my wonderful personality, and have their own Rotton ones.
I Rick Roll'd a Cat...
I need to get Paper Towns too, I have like book withdrawl. And for some reason that reminds me I need to carve my Pumpkin, Friday Is halloween, isn't it. I got this Huge one. Do you know what it get's? Draco Malfoy, of Course. It's me we're talking about.
I'm still sick, and it's really bugging me. I've decided I'm going to get me some Dr.Who On DVD, because 11 at night on Saturday and whenever I can randomly catch it on Sci-fi isn't enough. I did get to see 'Satan's Pit' again yesterday. Lemme tell you, Ood=Cool As Hell (lolz, I made a funny)
So yeah, bored out of my mind. Imma go rick roll one of the dogs now.
October 25, 2008
Never Gonna Give You Up, Never Gonna Let You Down, Never Gonna Run Around And, Desert You
Lemme say, 'YAY I GOT ANY VIDEO CONVERTER SOFTWEAR!' Sooooo. I can convert Video from mum's digital cameral to WMV which I can edit on Movie Maker. Muahaha! AND I can import (export? I dunno) Videos from Youtube! Guess who has themself a Rick Roll Test Vid :D
I got some of the old stuff I have on the main house comp to, like Gif Animator. And I got this new paint. Better then MS Paint, not as good as Photoshop, but I Like it. I can find all my fav. music videos on youtube (or google vid, it converts tho too) for when I can usar la computadora.
My nose is running. Still, and I still can't draw anything, but thats okay, I'm happy; I just Rick Roll'd Maself, again :D
I'm really bored. I swear if st00pid doesn't check 'is email soon, so I can send him fun spam, Imma call im.
This suck too, I can't play my bassoon. I miss the taste of reed. But it doesn't matter, I couldn't play if I wasn't sick, thanks to the rubberbands.
Hurry, Skype Me- doofusmaximus or IM me- thedoofusmaximus before I become so bored I'll be forced to Write Harry Potter/Jonas Brothers Cross Over Fan Fiction!! (Why harry/jb? 2 Subjects I'm fond of) I'd call it Harry and The Boys and The Charmader Of Secrets (Oh noes she didn't, 123456 Pokemon) Teehee.
I hate being sick
And stupid person says 'I have a new email I will check more often' yet they haven't. It's no fun to send random emails to a friend if they arent read.
And I'm compliling my christmas list (Yes, I know there's like, 2 months till Christmas). It's all CD's, so it's more for me to see which ones I own and which ones I lack.
I havent talked to my cousin, cause she's sick too. I'm now having skype withdrawls. Terrible Terrible skype withdrawls.
I'll prob. Post later, when my nose stops running
October 24, 2008
10 days later, I'm sick again
So I skipped school and slept. A lot. Then I woke up and was unable to breath (still) and eat, thanks to the illnes and the Rubber Bands (orthodontist says I need to wear them 24-7, including while I sleep. I cxan only take them off to play the bassoon) So I hurt, cant eat or breath and I finished Looking For Alaska so I think I may do homework that I have for monday or draw. Sleeping no longer proves possible... Maybe I'll eat tomato soup, or vegetarian vegetable soup (no lie, that's it's name)
Bring me Decongestants, Damn it!
October 23, 2008
Death Shall Conquer All... Because Love is Lame
So I was ill this morning, so I missed 1st period, boy will the art teacha' be pissed tommorow. Oh wait, Thou shalt not give one shit.[pardon my shakesperian french] Typography-Not That hard. Geometry is a bunch of notes on quadrilaterals and parralelograms(I know that's wrong. I didn't know that till after I took all my notes. In Pen.) Band, I kicked arse. I happen to be almost as amazing as I was, like, 2 years ago, on the bassoon, this time with braces (yeah, that means Pwnage if you ask me) Yeah, I can totally play my high register -Huzzah! And then what, spanish? Boredom, except the fact that I Associated a Spanish Verb.. With A GERMAN one! Achtung! As in Achtung Fertig Los Und Lauf. [5 gold stars if you can name that song] And then retard-o tag games in gym. But Science was fun. Hangman and Tic-Tac-Toe!
And I'm to the 'After' section of Looking for Alaska and I totally flipped mah lid when that thing happeded to that person. Ugh! I dwelled on it all of history, working on meh projectamundo!
And that's it? Can't be it. But it's it?
-Nooo. There's still the orthodontist.
-Oh yeah
If I don't wear rubber bands, I will have to get Jaw Surgery. Yeah.
-So that's it?
-What else is left?
-Art you dork
-Oh yeah. I've been drawing non-stop. Realism and Cartoon,erm,ism? Birds and people. Imma do some watercolor parrot(s) more specifically Macaw(s) for my grandparents soon. I wanna get enough practice in, before I get all, 'Let's do This' on the nice paper. And I cant really do my animation in pencil -SAD- because the scanner is not working. Tis suckish. Very suckish. I may do something in paint and put it on youtube vids If I could get it going fast enough between frames. I'd be awesome.
Now is that it?
-Thank you
AITN (and Her conversing Alter Ego)
**PS, 30th blog in how many days. I be addicted,yo**
October 22, 2008
Second Blog = Nerd Time
Yeah, so, update on the Band Trip..... I SHOULD get my Alowance back, meaning I should be able to pay for the Trip adventually! Which is the best ever! I mean, I have 11 dollars made on something online. [I bet you could guess what it is..] which is good. So I'm half way to Flo-rida! I do wonder what I will be playing. I mean, I will need Bari for the Parades, but if we do any workshops or anything, will they let me play the Bassoon? I mean, Ich Leib Meine Fagott. Ist Ehrfurcht gebietend! (I love my bassoon. It's Awesome. I think, im deutsch.)
And my site layout, I'm keeping the code I have so Far and making a new Image, with things for text in the same place. I really hate the image I'm using now. It's suckish. So Imma replace it :D
And I think my drawings have become even worse. Much worse. Oh well.
Oh Back to Bassoon. I've Improved! I had a music lesson, and my constant practicing have totally paid off. My Awesome Bassooning just became more awesome! Haha!
His Body's Decomposing in my Locker
So we all know I'm a huge band geek, right? Well, my bassoon smells like Maple Syrup/Brown Sugar. You're Jealous. Oh! And I was smart enough to get a chair, so I can get my Bassoon out of the Locker. [It's in the top locker, and I am short. -ishsosuckish-]
I have an ortho appointment. I get to get yelled at for not wearing rubbe bands :(
Wow, Im so boring, I cant think of anything to say. Oh well.
October 21, 2008
Threadless Login- YAY!
So yeah I've been searchin' stuff online and just reading fan fics (which is odd, I dont usually) And I've been on threadless.
So I'm going to get my allowance back, quicker then imagined :d I just brought Harry[My laptop] Down into the kitchen and listened to music on him while I swept and cleaned. They didn't care, as long as they didn't have to do anything. -lazyparents- And I gotted to Skype mah couzin while cleaning. It's nice to talk to her so much.
So School wont be fun tommorow, because it is never fun. But Im hoping it isn't so boring I fall asleep, Like I almost did to day.
That reminds me. I refuse to have My Intellegence Insulted. You can call me ugly, insult my choice in clothing and books, but you do NOT for any reason call me stupid. Because I don't know what a hot comb is, a boy in my reading group actually told the one teacher I was retarded. I seriously was so pissed, I couldn't talk, my teeth had to stay clenched so I wouldn't yell at him. My fists were shaking, and I couldn't keep my legg still. I could have jumped across the room and smashed his face on the desk and tried to strangle him untill he turned blue. I was so pissed that the end of 7th(english, when I was insulted) and 8th period(history) I was still angry. And art club (9th prd) my pumpkin was a Mr.Angry face. So yeah, that ass better not say anything, or I will yell at him durring english tommorow.
Suddenly I am very very very very pissed.
He must be a future Creeper
So other then that, school was okie dokie. I mean, I sat out at gym -coughcough- so I got out early too :) Even my thinking classes (last 2, english and history) were easy. I'm not complaining. And for Art Club I painted a Pumpkin, Mr. Angry Face. He has green hair :d I likes 'im.
Then we had a meeting for the brownies, and only 2 showed up, a 3rd grader and a second grader, but they are sweet kids, so I cant complain. (I could but no one's listening [5 points if you can tell me the song that's from])
And then I got home, had me a Grilled Cheese and logged on.When I was on youtube, I watched JordanIsSoCoolLike's new Video, Here and smiled, being mentioned in the end. I like being mentioned, makes me feel special. I gave him an Idea for a horror novel. I would use it myself, but I suck at writing anything. XP So yeah.
And Because you don't Care- McCainPalin- Because A Baby Can't Keep You From Killing It, Because Adoptions Always an Option, Because Every life counts. (Dont ask. I was just argued with infront of a bunch of 8 year olds because I'm not Pro Choice [to kill an innocent baby because you were stoopid and got it on unprotectedly out of wedlock]
A Slightly less Apathetic
October 20, 2008
Mmmm. Candy

I've been working on my solo, for Bassoon. A FLAT (F MINOR) IS EVIL! Like seriously, how am I suuposed to go c to C# to E flat to a flat? I cant! URG! And then you have your fricken evil high notes. It's like, WTF, what Handel Trying to kill me?

Ugh. I ish so Tired
Is it weird I dont let people read books out of order if I can help it? No? Yes? Good point, even if It's odd I'll still be that obsessive.
I need to grab aminal crakers, for school. The No lunch so I can take Band And Art is just starting to annoy me. But then again, I'm takig art and band so I cant complain much.
I'm still so Happy I foundeded My tablet pen -Wheeee- That's $30 I don't need to spend. But there is no way I can make $300+ by march with my docked alowance, which is just a massive ball of Suckish-ness. Ugh! I wish I knew rich people, which is such a selfish thing to say, but it's true.
I'm getting my friend to read 'Looking For Alaska' I win. And I'm loaning out lots of Steph Meyer. I'm glad that my friends are reading tho.
So I'm off to go play something
I Found
October 19, 2008
No chance of Getting to Go
I've been working on a new layout for my website, and getting my blog onto it. No luck as of yet with the blog. But on the Website I only need to make 6 image maps (or 2, one of 4 and one of 2). So that is good. Then I will start translating the site. (For practice I'm translating it to Spanish and German. Ich Leib Deutsch) And then I need to get adsense on it and I'm dones! Okay, then I have to put it on all the pages and get it to look okay.... Crap!
And I think I may try to draw Harry Potter's own Dan Radcliff. I dunno yet. Oh and I found an old comic I drew about a year ago (almost exactly) so I think Imma re-draw it and show in a year how much I've improved. (Atleast I hope I've improved.) Yeah, that's it. School tommorahh. -ich-
Stonyfield Fars = <3
And I don't think I'm gonna see pudge again. Maybe he got to Alabama. I just hope he wasn't hit by a car..
Oh my, Harry and The Potters - Clickeh.They are A Band of wizardrock playing brothers. I want their CDs. Along with to many other to count. -Nerd- But more Imortantly, DRACO AND THE MALFOYS! Yes I mean, song titled 'In Which I kick Harry Potter In The Face'! They Radiate awesome.And the And The Parselmouths. OMG! fAnd The Remus Lupins, And The Hungarian Horntails, Ginny and the Heart Breakers. Oh My Gryffindor!! Harry Potter Fandom Overload.
Okay now that I am done spazzy, I think Im going to try to go draw something. I may post it if it isnt to crappy.
October 18, 2008
KFC = Vegetarian's worst Nightmare
And I only mowed half the grandparents lawn, so I have to mow more tommorow x_x, but it's okay, cause the hill is mowed!
And best buys doesn't have the pen I need, so i have to get it online. Which sucks. Arse. -_-
Oh well. I'm still trying to draw. And my scannar wont work so I can t start scanning my animation, which pisses me off. Damn it! So yeah, not a happy camper, but I get allowance tommorow, 11.5614 Pounds Sterling. I forgot what else I had to say..... Oh well. I will just post again if I can remember. Cause I can do that. It's my blog.
I guess I have to mow my grandparent's old lawn for the last time. -damnthatwretchedhill- So yeah, I'll be on later
October 17, 2008
Yelled At for Skipping In The Library?
Update on the Tablet? Nope, I still cant find my pen, meaning, I'm going to have to buy a new one! CRAPITY CRAPITY CRAP! So that means I need my $30 Pen for the Tablet, 70+ To renew my website and host(yes I have a site, I'll post it once I get my site a new layout) and $350 for the band trip. And did I mention the cost of a Camera? My $35 in quarters wont cover it. I seriously want said camera, so I can get Carving my pumpkin on camera, along with some other ideas of mine.
So yeah, that's it? I took my dog sweetie for a walk today. I swear she tried to push me infront of moving cars. She has it in for me. Yeah, and we have this Halti collar, for more control and she was a total bitch about it. (ahaha. Get it, bitch, and sweetie's a female dog! I thought it was funny...)
I think thats it...... Okay, byzzzzzz for nowwwwwww
October 16, 2008
-yells in anger-
(On a happier note, if You watch '123456 pokemon' with 3d glasses, it's real nifty)
(ANGER is thy name)
123456 John Green. And Bassoons, And drawings and.... I dunno, Stuff
I HAVE THE BEST NEWS EVER!!!!!!!!! I get to Read 'Looking For Alaska' for mah English Class! I started reading it yesterday, so when 'Independent Reading' was mentioned today, I started sputtering that I just started reading a book. I was told it had to be on the list; IT IS ON THE LIST! Along with loads of books I now want to read, and some that I already have. So yeah, I gets to read it for English Class, meaning, Easy Hundred Percent! Woo
I haven't seen Pudge(the fox) today. I'm kinda worried. I blame our hound dog for scarin him.
So music-wise, I'd say, I'm kicking ass. Band music is going really well. I'm actually practicing now! Can I get a Woot Woot? Yes, Yes I can; Woot Woot! And I just like, lost my solo for january, but I'll find it. I hope... Hey, did you know that the Bassoon and Trombone, not only read the same clef, but are in the same key? I didn't, so... YAY!!! Yeah, Band =
Speaking of YouTube, I've been watching a lot of different people, but Three of my Very favorite are gingervlogz, Tforecast, and thecomputernerd01. They are all pretty nifty, so If you need something to watch, check 'em out. And TForecast has real nice blogtv shows too. I was there for most of their last 2. :D Brandon=Hilarious!
I've been *trying* to draw too. It's not working well for me. Except my animation project. I drew a few more frames and once I get them all drawn I will color them and then scan them. I'd need to use the main computer -eeeewwww- but it's okay. Did I mention what the animation is of? No? Good, cause I'm not plannin on it.
Project 'a' is in it's research stage, which is good. I want everything to, you know, sync. I don't want to rush it.
And you need to Skype Me, Please. I'm doofusmaximus. I'm just bored out of my mind. All the time. :P
And I have a really looooonnnng LLLLLIIISSSTTT of CD's I need to buy, of different bands I've been introduced to by people. And stuuufff. I just need the money for them. But I'd rather get a camera before I get CD's. Camera=Drawing Videos :D